something happens next

always. every time.

What precision looks like

Yesterday I wrote about precision, and the type of writing I want to do. This got me thinking about what I read, and where I find that kind of writing. Here are two examples:

I loved reading both of these. They offer a specific, different-from-my-own view on the world, on a subject I’m at least a little interested in (and more interested after reading!). How much the author cares comes through, but it’s not just a rant, and it’s not vague: each element is backed up with details and specifics that help me feel and imagine what I hope the author intended.

As a result, these pieces offered me a chance to step out of my own world, and into someone else’s. That alternate view shifted my own, and helped me see the world just a little bit differently.

And as I see it, that’s the value – and equally importantly, the fun! – of good writing.


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